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Robin E.

Henry Gruver ‘s walk with Jesus/his testimonies of all that he went through/his walk of obedience, the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, every time he shared with us, was like the Lord saying, “What I am to Henry, I can be to you. I’m no respecter of person. Draw unto Me and I will...

Nancy D.

God bless our dear Henry Gruver! 

Chandra C.

I first heard of Henry Gruver through the Prophecy Club. I lost touch with his ministry until a few years ago when he was on Joe Hagman’s show with Steve Quayle and began watching his videos and telling people about this amazing man. What a man of God! Thank God for his life and testimonies that helped...

Pedro I.

Segui todas sus entrevistas y relatos. Cuando me di cuenta que fallecio me entro una nostalgia tremenda. Me di cuenta que toda su enseñanza y testimonio esta ligado con la enseñanza y testimonio de otros como Ron Wyatt, Steve Qyle, Steven Ben Hur, y muchos otros que predican y testimonian en la misma frecuencia y son...

Jenny R.

I met Henry Gruver in Branson, Missouri in August 2017. His overwhelming joy touched my heart as I watched and listened to him talk to others about the wonderful, powerful name of Jesus. I am sad to learn of his passing, but I know he is with his Heavenly Father shouting glory and praise.

Scott M.

It was so sad to hear that Henry had passed from earth to the Heavenly realms, but know he will continue to be a great servant in Heaven.I really wanted to meet him, as I don’t think I have ever heard of a mere mortal man being able to journey as Henry did winning over all those...

Chandra C.

I first heard of Henry Gruver through the Prophecy Club. I lost touch with his ministry until a few years ago when he was on Joe Hagman’s show with Steve Quayle and began watching his videos and telling people about this amazing man. What a man of God! Thank God for his life and testimonies that helped...

John W.

Henry was born in 1942. The Lord had me to be born in Nov. 1941. Heaven’s gain for Henry and our loss. The Lord had me to be born again after 7 months of hard conviction on a Wed. night in 1971, so having never met Henry but having learned from the Lord thru him, I’ll one...


I was honored to meet this man a number of years ago in Louisville Kentucky at a meeting. His journey on earth was extraordinary! He prayed over me and my husband and laid hands on us. It was an honor to be in his company and I thank God we got to meet him. The stories of...


My best to the family Mr, Henry Gruver always Pure Amen

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