I have been continually amazed at GOD’S great grace shown to Henry and through his life! Truly a man with his heart completely loved and possessed by GOD, his amazing stories of GOD’S love for all of HIS creation, all of us that HE specially had HIS SON, JESUS be born into the human family and then carry All of our failures, sins, defiance, etc. upon HIMSELF to the grave – so we could be Adopted Children of our Incredible, Loving, Generous, Heavenly Father! I have tried to download every one of the videos Henry was on over the years that I have known of him. His teaching/preaching style never gets “old” because Almighty GOD was speaking through him. My personal prayer is for me to abandon all the negative and non-helpful things I might say under my own “power & wisdom” and submit myself as completely as I can to let JESUS shine through me to the failing, deceived, dying world. Even though my later days may be short, I’ll be 75 in March, my goal is to be a messenger of GOD’S/JESUS’/and HIS Holy Spirit ‘s LOVE to all the lost in honor and remembrance of Henry and his faithfulness.



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