Henry was not only a wonderful brother but my friend. He’s been a friend to each of us. I’ve been blessed to be at his meetings for many years and always looked forward to hearing him share. So much of God’s love and always a big hug. He told about his family, oh how he loves all his family. We would laugh and be filled with joy, feeling the presence of the Lord as we worshiped. I miss my brother. Every year I would get to see him. He made everyone feel loved and special. He loved the lost. Taught us how to prayer walk. I would bring friends to come learn. I’m so glad that one day I get to see him again and laugh and hug and praise our God together and to meet Judith whom he loved so much. I know I shouldn’t feel sad right now but right now it all comes flashing back to me. So many wonderful happenings with Jesus. We were so inspired and encouraged. Henry has been one of my favorite people but you know actually he’s not that far away is he.

I’m remembering one time in Marysville at the 1st nations meeting, he was late because of traffic and they were asking if someone would like to share their story
and with encouragement from my friend Faith Michelle, I took the microphone and began telling one of my stories when I went with a group to Russia and another time when I got to go to Poland and how I would bring my little plastic blessing hammer and met the soldiers and blessed them with my hammer, it was all quite
interesting. I could have got shot but they liked me anyway & there Henry was, I didn’t see him come in, and he laughed and laughed and told me later how he
likes to tell that story all around the world. I was so glad that I could give him a God story and he had a lot of fun with that. I would always have some
Jesus stickers to give him and he would put them in his bible and I would walk my duck with the stick and he loved it. I miss my friend. He will be there in heaven to greet all of us one day and we will get to meet Judith. He’s up there rooting us on, cloud of witnesses.

We are all truly blessed for that opportunity Jesus that You gave us meeting one of your special warriors. Thank You!! So we go forward and keep walking the walk….. To be continued!!! God bless all of Henry and Judith’s children and grandchildren. We didn’t get to meet you but we did get to know you through your father and grandfather. Many hugs and many blessings to each of you!! And God Bless Us Everyone!



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